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Does New Jersey workers’ compensation cover car crash injuries?

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Some types of work-related medical issues very clearly qualify an injured employee for workers’ compensation benefits. If there’s a fire or a piece of equipment suddenly breaks, people know that the traumatic injuries they suffer could be eligible for workers’ compensation coverage.

However, other work-related medical issues may fall into a bit of a coverage gray area. People may feel confused about what rights they actually have and may fail to seek benefits even if they might potentially qualify for them. For example, many people’s jobs require that they spend some time on the road. Do workers ever qualify for workers’ compensation benefits due to car wrecks?

Timing determines eligibility

A commute to work each day puts someone at risk of a crash. If a crash did occur, that does not typically lead to a workers’ compensation claim because someone is not yet on the clock during their commute to work. However, many people do drive as part of their work. People deliver items for work, travel to remote locations and run errands for their bosses. If they crash while on the job, workers’ compensation might apply then.

Car crashes are a top job safety concern. Far from being a rare occurrence, motor vehicle collisions on the job are one of the top causes of severe injuries and workplace deaths. Even if the employee driving while on the clock is very attentive to their overall safety on the road, they could easily encounter a drunk driver or someone texting at the wheel.

How workers’ compensation can help

Most people dealing with the aftermath of a car crash have strict limits on the compensation available. The insurance carried by the other driver often determines how much reimbursement someone can obtain for health care costs or lost wages. Workers’ compensation can help by offering additional financial resources. Employees can qualify for full medical coverage when they get hurt in a car crash while clocked in at work. They can also potentially secure disability benefits for as long as they cannot work or have to perform a lower-paid role at the company.

A combination of workers’ compensation coverage and other compensation claims could potentially help someone to fully cover all of the expenses triggered by a motor vehicle collision. Connecting a car crash to job responsibilities may help people utilize the benefits systems that exist for their protection. Many workers may require support when seeking benefits or responding to challenges, like denied claims. As such, seeking personalized legal guidance is often a good way to get started.