The New Jersey Supreme Court recently heard the case of a diabetic schoolteacher. The teacher experienced a hypoglycemic event and fainted in her classroom due to a late lunch period that led to her low blood sugar. She hit her head when fainting on a science...
Serious Advocates For The Seriously Injured
Month: July 2021
New Jersey motorcyclists command full legal rights on the road
Experienced motorcycle riders understandably revel in their freedom, yet they are also aware that they suffer some notable risks when out in traffic. According to the New Jersey Attorney General's webpage on motorcycle accidents and injuries, motorcyclists "are more...
Working from home can involve a worker’s comp claim
One of the many changes endured during the pandemic was that many worked from home. There are benefits like a casual dress code and a non-existent commute. Still, there are different kinds of benefits as well -- those who work from home can file for worker's comp if...