Manual jobs like construction and heavy machinery work are more prone to accidents. Sometimes, these accidents can result in permanently losing use of your limbs. Such injuries can affect your ability to earn a living. Thankfully, workers' compensation benefits in New...
Serious Advocates For The Seriously Injured
Month: November 2024
What happens when an injured worker doesn’t fully recover?
There are countless ways for workers to get hurt on the job. A cook could cut themselves while prepping a dish and damage a tendon in their hand. A delivery driver could end up in a crash that causes a traumatic brain injury. Workers in all different professions are...
How do defective road conditions affect accident claims?
Defective road conditions can turn a routine drive into a dangerous situation. Potholes, uneven pavement, and poor signage can all contribute to accidents. Understanding how these road issues impact accident claims is crucial for those involved in a motor vehicle...