Just about everyone besides insurance companies thinks that auto insurance is too expensive. This is especially true when the policy covers a young driver or someone who has points on their driving record. It makes sense that drivers who pose a greater risk would pay...
Serious Advocates For The Seriously Injured
Month: April 2021
Hurt walking between your car and work: can you get compensation?
New Jersey law states that to qualify for workers' compensation, an injury must have taken place in the course of a worker's employment. Among other things, this generally means the worker must be performing their regular job duties at their job site at the time of...
The 5 most common reasons for semi-truck crashes
It is an unfortunate fact that any crash involving a semi-truck and a car usually involves severe injury or death for those in the car. This should come as no surprise since even driving alongside or passing an 18-wheeler is stressful. Drivers are all too familiar...
Dog attacks can cause severe injury
Dogs have been human companions for thousands of years. They can be trained to do many important tasks, like guide the blind, search for drugs or bombs, and guard property. Many are loved family members who are playmates for children. Like the people they keep...